Lincoln Albert Loud is the protagonist from the Nickelodeon animated series The Loud House. He is 11-year-old (later 12 years old as of the show's sixth season), white-haired middle child of Lynn Loud Sr. and his wife Rita, and also their only male child. Lincoln is an accident-prone, happy-go-lucky, and kind-hearted boy who calls himself "The Man with the Plan" and has interests in comic books, manga, video games, magic, fantasy and science fiction stories. He is known for speaking to the viewers about the chaotic conditions of the household and the insane antics of his ten sisters, though this trait became less frequent from the second season onward.
Appearances in Thanksgiving productions[]
The Loud House[]
Although he is usually the main character on The Loud House, Lincoln does not actually serve as the focal point in the show's Thanksgiving episode, "The Loudest Thanksgiving", which instead focuses on his oldest sister, Lori, and her boyfriend, Bobby Santiago. Early on in the special, it is mentioned that Lincoln always falls asleep after eating Thanksgiving dinner and misses out on dessert (a deleted scene even had him drifting off to sleep during the food fight later in the episode). As such, the special finds him trying to find some method to keep himself awake during dinner.
Lincoln has a much more prominent role hosting the clip show special The Loud House Thanksgiving Special alongside his best friend Clyde McBride.
The Really Loud House[]
Lincoln's latest Thanksgiving appearance was "A Really Loud Thanksgiving: The Gobble Squabble Debacle", the Thanksgiving episode and series finale of the live action spin-off The Really Loud House.