Tito is one of the main, human characters from the teen-family-comedy-drama-musical TV series, CityKids. He was portrayed by Renoly Santiago.
Appearance in Rooftop Thanksgiving[]
Tito and his friends are trying to figure out and settle on where they'll have their Thanksgiving party. At one point, one of the others, John, complains to him about the spicy food he prepared for him last time. Tito tells him he likes hot food. A homeless woman passes by them, asking for spare change, he gives her a donation, and is thanked for it. In a library, Tito and the others have a discussion about the girls supposedly having heard a woman named Zia planning to divorce her husband, Pete. Angelica and the other girls believe it's true, but Tito tells her not to go there. But all their chattering disrupts the peace and quiet, and everyone shushes one another so they can have that.
On the day the Thanksgiving party is held, it takes place on the roof of an apartment building due to the CityKids agreeing to help out Pete in exchange to have the party there. Tito tries to bite into an empanada, but it's so hot, he has the run to get some water to drink to cool off his burning mouth. Then, he notices a boy on the roof of another building across from the one where he and his friends are. Zia lives in the apartment where the party is held, having the party particularly on the roof, and is asked if anybody lives in the other building. She tells the CityKids a family named the Jacksons used to live there, but not anymore since they moved out of there. Believing the boy is in need, he wants to help. But his friends don't think that's such a wise idea. Angelica tells him it's impossible for one person to make a difference in saving the world and the only person one should look out for is oneself, as he or she will be all the better for it. John and David tell Tito stories about their experiences and the consequences they got when they tried lending a hand to homeless people. Tito thinks Angelica and the others are being selfish. When Snoopy is able to attend the party after all and arrives, he tells the others about how worse off he would've been if not for the homeless shelter, and not getting a helping hand. Having heard enough, Tito decides to go talk to the boy. Angelica tells him it's too dangerous for him to try to go across, but he says it's only two feet away. She tells him to go ahead and risk it. The boy named Sam, and his mother named Nina, appear together. She tells her son she told him not to talk to them, but Tito tells her it's okay as he talked to him. The father and husband, Doug, also shows up and apologizes for bothering them. But they invite them to the party and offer to share food. The parents turn them down at first, but then accept.
After Tito and the others hear the family's story of how and why they ended up homeless, Tito and Sam go off to put frosting on a cake Angelica baked. Tito and Sam bond with each other, and Sam tells him how difficult it is that he constantly has to meet and make new friends, since he and his family move around a lot. After their meal, the CityKids return with Pete and Zia to their apartment unit. Once again, Angelica and the other girls think the couple are splitting up, but Tito also tells them not to go there once again. When the CityKids enter the stairwell and return to the roof, they attempt to see the homeless family again, but they're nowhere in sight, as it seems they've moved on once again. As they had plans to get them into a homeless shelter, Tito and the others begin to go after them, looking for them. But Snoopy tells them it's best just to let them be, because being told what to do and one bad thing about being homeless, and the family would rather retain their freedom. Tito and the others continue to clean up everything from the party on the roof at sundown.